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On June 1, 2024, the 77th World Health Assembly illegally adopted the amended the International Health Regulations (IHR), which will facilitate an enormous global buildup of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Complex and seek to trigger ongoing "pandemic emergencies." On July 16, they again started negotiations on the WHO Pandemic Treaty, with the intent to pass it by November 2024. On September 23, 2024, world leaders  adopted the Pact for the Future, which will include a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. The march towards global governance and the end of US, SC, and individual sovereignty goes on unabated.


Hundreds of organizations around the nation are working full-time to stop these constant threats to our national, state, and individual sovereignty. More and more states are passing legislation to prevent implementation at the state level.

Where does South Carolina stand?

  • South Carolina is WAY behind. 

  • H3539 – The South Carolina State Sovereignty Act—would create a robust and comprehensive process for nullifying unconstitutional federal laws and policies. It could easily be amended to nullify multinational treaties or agreements in the State of South Carolina.

  • However, there has been NO movement on bill H3539 by non-Freedom Caucus legislators since the beginning of 2023.The reason? They will not work with the Freedom Caucus even at the detriment to our sovereignty.

  • What are they spending their time on?

    • Fast-tracking Health Czar bills that centralize Emergency Health Powers into one unelected position.

    • Passage and ratification of bill H3988, which will allow pharmacists, their technicians & interns to administer vaccinations without informed consent, liability, or real training or knowledge of how to deal with medical emergencies. This will clear the way for mass vaccinations, particularly of minors without parental consent. For more information, see:

    • It is VITAL that South Carolina’s Title 44 “Emergency Health Powers Act” (Article 5, Sections 44-4-500 through 540)—which unconstitutionally permits the Secretary of Health to violate human rights with quarantine and isolation powers enforceable by law—be repealed!

Please read and then sign the petition and SHARE the link with your friends, family, and organizations.  We need thousands of signatures as quickly as possible to demonstrate that South Carolinians want no part of this international assault on our liberty and freedom. Time is critical. These multinational non-governmental agencies are in the final stages of solidifying the complete globalization of our health.  South Carolina MUST fight back. Remember, the globalists perceive your silence as agreement. Please sign the petition today, urging Governor McMaster and Attorney General Wilson to push the South Carolina Legislature to GET TO WORK and Protect State Sovereignty and Individual Health Freedoms!


Please also visit and TAKE ACTION at

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