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Petition to Governor Henry McMaster and Attorney General Alan Wilson

On June 1, 2024, the 77th World Health Assembly illegally adopted the amended International Health Regulations (IHR) and restarted negotiations on the WHO Pandemic Treaty in July to further expand global authority. Finally, adoption of the Pact for the Future, which will include a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations was completed on September 23, 2024.


The adopted International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments, proposed WHO Pandemic “Treaty," and the Pact for the Future pose a significant threat to our state and national sovereignty and individual liberties. The “Treaty,” in essence, is an international trade agreement, negotiated and enacted by unelected, unknown, and unaccountable bureaucrats to be empowered to make decisions that would deeply impact the lives of everyone on Earth. These bureaucrats would establish the equivalent of an international CDC, with the ability to declare a global state of emergency (even those unrelated to health, such as a “climate change” emergency). This unprecedented system of governance would ensure an enormous redistribution of wealth (our taxpayer dollars) globally to enable and fund the following:


One Health Centralized Global Surveillance, Database System & Laboratory Networks with Streamlined Process for New, Unlicensed, Experimental, Liability-free Drugs/Injections

  • Triggering endless pandemics: searching for pathogens "with pandemic potential" for the purpose of discovering, manipulating, and sharing biological weapons globally through the WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System (PABS). This system will “ensure the rapid, systematic and timely access to biological materials of pathogens with pandemic potential and the genetic sequence data (GSD) for those pathogens…. [for the] equitable, fair, and rapid sharing of monetary and non-monetary benefits.”

  • Surveillance of wastewater, testing, and the reporting of “outbreaks” or “cases” to federal and WHO authority.

  • The verification of digital records and health certificates through the Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN), (which can be issued only by those providers in the GDHCN), for pandemic response and continuity of care, enforced on every man, woman and child.

  • Global centralization of health information & loss of health privacy.

Global Supply Chain and Logistics Network

  • Coercing and incentivizing local and regional manufacturers, as well as international organizations to enter into long-term PABS contracts.

  • Build-up of production facilities, particularly in developing countries.

  • The transfer of relevant technology, know-how, intellectual products, licenses and data to these facilities, especially in developing countries, for the regular production of pandemic-related and routine health products.

  • The permanent global buildup and “equitable” geographic distribution of "relevant [pandemic] health products”: medicines, “vaccines,” diagnostics, medical devices, vector control products, cell- and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies of their choosing, financed through public and private “investment.”

Violation of Rights

  • Suppressing free speech— “addressing mis- and disinformation.”

  • Enacting travel restrictions

  • Quarantining or isolating travelers at their discretion

  • Creating international, one-size-fits all requirements for medications, treatments, injections, etc., without regard to individual health freedoms, religious protections, informed consent, or doctor-recommended treatments.

As for the "Summit of the Future/Pact for the Future,"
  • The United Nations has positioned the Summit as “a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance [international] cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance…”
  • “The result will be a world – and an international system – that is better prepared to manage the challenges we face now and in the future, for the sake of all humanity and for future generations.”
  • This can be seen as a working document to finally achieve absolute, multilateral, global governance.
What could the UN Summit of the Future mean for global economic governance?
Dr. Rima Laibow – UN to Launch ‘Pact for the Future’: ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT NIGHTMARE!


Please take the time to view this video for a clear understanding of what we are facing @

For recent updates, listen to the recording of a recent Thought Crime Live episode, hosted by Steven Douglas Whitener:

Please sign the petition to support individual health freedoms, and to proclaim your objection to any agreement that would vacate the sovereignty of South Carolina to federal overreach, the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, or any multinational entity.

Please also visit and TAKE ACTION at

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