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Resolution to Oppose the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum

Whereas on the last day of the Obama administration, the Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a Final Rule that changed the definition of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. It was to be defined five ways, but three of those ways relied on a WHO decision.


While this rule was challenged in a strongly worded petition to DHHS by 15 state Attorneys General on July 18, 2022, including SC Attorney General Alan Wilson, stating, "The rule exceeds the agency's authority and infringes on US and state sovereignty by unlawfully delegating to the World Health Organization the authority to invoke health emergency powers solely based on decisions of the WHO;" this petition was denied by HHS. (1)

Whereas 26 Republican governors, including SC Governor Henry McMaster, released a joint statement on May 22, 2024, in response to the impending IHR and WHO Pandemic Agreement, stating, “The World Health Organization is attempting one world control over health policy with their new ‘Pandemic Agreement.’ As governors, we affirm that public health policy is a matter reserved for the states, not the federal government, and certainly not international bodies like the WHO. We are committed to resisting any attempts to transfer authority to the WHO over public policy affecting our citizens or any efforts by the WHO to assert such authority over them.” (2)


Whereas the 10th Amendment is very clear that states have authority over health-related issues, not the federal government. During the Covid19 “pandemic”, our federal government plainly exercised far-reaching unconstitutional and tyrannical acts and mandates that continue to threaten state and individual sovereignty to this day. And now the Biden Administration is illegally surrendering our sovereignty over to an international agency of the United Nations, mostly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (3)


Whereas, under the false belief that there are real, continuous pandemics for which fraudulent diagnostic tests and dangerous drugs and injections are safe and effective, and the idea that we need increased and equitable access to more of these, the International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments, pushed by the Biden Administration, and illegitimately adopted by the World Health Assembly (WHA) on June 1, 2024, will facilitate an enormous global buildup of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex, which seeks to trigger ongoing “pandemic emergencies” that will be made even worse by “relevant health products: those health products “needed” to respond to public health emergencies of international concern [PHEIC], including pandemic emergencies, which may include medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices, vector control products, cell- and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies, decided solely by the World Health Organization (WHO).


Whereas the Director General of the WHO will have the authority to declare a PHEIC for any reason, with no need for data/evidence, and will unilaterally determine the medical countermeasures.


Whereas the WHO will control ramping up the production of “relevant health products” on a geographically distributed basis all around the world, and nations will agree to identify and enable access to financial resources as needed to equitably address the needs and priorities of developing countries, which will result in a massive redistribution of wealth from “richer” nations to poorer nations at the direction of the WHO.


Whereas the regulations will compel national and local governments to utilize their own national structures and resources—already set up under the guise of “public health”—through ’National IHR Authority’ at the national level to coordinate the implementation of these Regulations to conduct surveillance, testing and reporting; enforce the Global Digital Health Certification Network for every man, woman and child; enact control measures; address mis- and disinformation. (4)


Whereas, under the IHR, nations may compel international travelers to undergo medical examination; vaccination or other prophylaxis; isolation, quarantine or being placed under public health observation. Nations may deny entry to travelers who do not consent to these measures or refuse to provide [digital] health certification. (5, 6, 7. 8)


Whereas the 79th United Nations General Assembly will be holding the Summit of the Future on September 22-23, 2024, with plans to adopt a “Pact for the Future,” which would solidify a process to create an “Emergency Platform,” giving the Secretary-General of the WHO near-dictatorial powers to call emergencies in situations including climate change, economic disruptions, conflicts, cyberattacks, asteroids and other space phenomena and/or a catch-all dubbed “black swan events.” Another initiative of the “Pact for the Future” is a “Global Digital Compact.” Outrageous is the fact that the UN has employed a “Silence Procedure:” if no nation objects (or “breaks the silence”), the documents will be considered adopted and ready to be rubber-stamped at the Summit on September 22-23.9 (10, 11, 12)


Whereas negotiations have resumed on the WHO Pandemic Agreement, which seeks to set up and finance One Health Surveillance to search for and utilize “pathogens with pandemic potential” worldwide; a WHO Coordinated Laboratory Network to sequence the genomes of new pathogens; R & D that does not outlaw or prevent gain-of-function research; a Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing System to reward nations that “find” new pathogens; Streamlined and Faster Approval of New Drugs and Jabs; Global Supply Chains and a Logistics Network to control the flow of and “equitable” access to “pandemic related products;” a Financing Mechanism to collect and distribute tens of billions of dollars on a yearly basis; a Conference of the Parties to meet annually to make decisions for the whole world. (13)


Whereas South Carolina citizens have witnessed our state officials continually acting in a manner, and passing legislation, in opposition to Freedom.


Therefore, let it be resolved,


We the undersigned citizens of South Carolina proclaim to disallow the exercise of jurisdiction by certain federal agencies (such as the CDC and HHS) and international organizations, and to prevent the use of communications from such federal and international organizations as a basis for action in the state of South Carolina; and to provide for related matters.

We proclaim that the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, and any other multinational entities shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of South Carolina. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum or other multinational entity shall be enforced or implemented by the state of South Carolina or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, county, city, municipality, or any other political entity. 

We urgently request the General Assembly of the state of South Carolina to pass legislation such as SC bill H3539, also known as the “South Carolina State Sovereignty Act”—to include language prohibiting the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum or other multinational entities from having jurisdiction or power within our state, enforceable by law.  It is imperative that South Carolina remain sovereign and not subject to unconstitutional federal overreach or international influence. (14)


We further request that the Governor and Attorney General of the state of South Carolina, based on the Constitutions of the United States of America and the state of South Carolina, hereby resolve that the federal government have no jurisdiction or power within the state of South Carolina, except that which has been granted explicitly by the Constitution. We further implore the Governor and Attorney General to resolve that the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, and any other multinational entities shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of South Carolina, enforceable by law. We ask the Governor and Attorney General to draft a strong resolution, and work alongside the South Carolina Legislature to pass strong legislation to accomplish these objectives.

We proclaim that the use of Central Bank Digital Currency, which the multinational entities will be relying on to enforce their measures, be prohibited in the State of South Carolina.

We beseech the General Assembly to pass legislation—such as SC bill S861 with expanded language to ensure that Central Bank Digital Currencies are not allowed in South Carolina. (See also HR5403 as a sample bill) (15, 16).

We further request that South Carolina’s Title 44 “Emergency Health Powers Act” (Article 5, Sections 44-4-500 through 540)—which unconstitutionally permits the Secretary of Health to violate human rights with quarantine and isolation powers enforceable by law—be repealed! (17)


We proclaim that individual health freedoms are vital to a free society with constitutionally protected rights.






6 Updated_Amendments_To_The_International_Health_Regulations.pdf












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